Russian Officials abroad to Return Russia Immediately: Vladimir Putin

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The British tabloid Daily Mail posted an article on 12th October 2016 and reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin issued order for Russian officials living abroad. The Russian President has ordered Russian officials to return back to Russia along with their families. Most of the experts believe that it is due to expected international armed conflict. Originally, this request was originated by an issue of public relations inside Russia, but this order was not issued due to concern of international armed war. The Daily Mail referred a Russian language website “Znak”. This website posted a piece of article with a title “Home”. This website indicated that Russian government issued a formal request and it should not be considered as an order.


The Putin administration issued a request for Russian officials living abroad with their family members to return back to Russia. The article also indicated that this request was not issued due to pending military conflict, but there was a public perception issue generated from Russian elites because they are sending their children abroad for expensive education in Western schools. Their homeland is offering more challenging education compared to the West. So, there is not any kind of red flag that World War III will be initiated.  The Daily Mail also indicated about the increasing international tensions and recently generated issues between Russia and the United States, and with other western countries. The website Znak mentioned about the supposed legislation that needs the Russian official’s children to be educated only in Russia.