Novel Award Winner William Golding said Women are more Superior than Men

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The Nobel Prize-winning writer Sir William Gerald Golding (1911-1993) was well known for his novel of 1954 “Lord of the Files”. This novel describes about a story of British schoolboys group who was stranded on an isolated island. Their plane was crashed and they attempted to govern themselves, which caused unfavorable results.Most of the people encountered the name of Golding by published image macros on many social media websites. Those image macros were reproduced in various different forms of quotes attributed to him. A quote indicated that “I think women are foolish if they consider that they are equal to men, they are always superior”.


It is important that undoubtedly Sir Golding delivered these words, but just once. A video clip was uploaded on YouTube, in which the origins and specific meanings of “Lord of the Files” were discussed by Golding. Especially the specific answer to a question that why his novel featured only boys instead of girls. He said that girls asked to me “why is not a group of a girls and why did you write about a group of boys? Golding replied that it was due to I was a little boy and I have a brother, father and now I am a grandfather. I didn’t see sister, mother or a grandmother in my life, so it was the simple answer. He delivered his words that “I think that women are foolish if they consider about to be equal to men, but they are always more superior than men.