A Photograph Showing an Angel or Soul at the Motorcycle Crash Scene

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A Facebook user published a photograph on 12th July 2016 of a traffic accident took place in Kentucky and added statement that this accident resulted a massive crash and the motorcyclist was died in the hospital. A number of local and national media rapidly picked up the news story of a “Spiritual” image. This specific image circulated on most of the social media websites and it was taken from the scene of a massive motorcycle crash in Powell County. This deadly accident took place at 5:30 on the Highway 15. The police officials indicated that only one person was involved in this motorcycle crash and he was transported to the nearby hospital, but he couldn’t survive.

A Photograph Showing an Angel or Soul at the Motorcycle Crash Scene

Point to be noted that photograph taken at the scene is very hard to believe. The image was showing a man right above the body of a man. The photograph was taken by Saul Vazquez and posted on Facebook. He said that this picture was captured from the cabinet of his truck and it was posted without any alteration. This photograph was shared more than 16 thousand times in only 12 hours. Many people draw their own results regarding this photograph. The photograph was showing the crash scene and a soul right above the head of a police officer between the two ambulances. Some social media users commented that it might be a soul of motorcyclist or it might be an angel. Some users on the social media also speculated that this photograph was not showing any angel or a soul, but it can be a piece of dirt stuck to lens or inside the camera sensor.