3 Simple Methods to Deploy Netlify’s React Application

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A famous JavaScript library is “React” for building efficient user interfaces in dynamic web applications. A number of users have spent most of their time debugging React code. They were attempting to develop the next Airbnb or Instagram.

It doesn’t matter what you are developing but the key objective is always to introduce your work around the globe. At this point, hosting platforms come in place such as Netlify. These types of platforms offer a complete set of tools to streamline the development operation.


We are providing essential information on how to deploy your React applications using the simple development tools of Netlify.

You Should Know About Netlify

Netlify is actually a cloud-based development platform that offers different tools and useful features. These tools enable developing and hosting applications simpler on the web. It offers a series of tools and services in order to simplify and streamline the process. This mechanism would allow users to deploy and host a web application within a few seconds.

Main Features of Netlify

Netlify offers a range of different features to efficiently simplify the process of development. The platform gives necessary to access and version control features. However, these features allow development teams to efficiently and securely coordinate projects. Netlify provides secure hosting services that enable users to adjust according to their needs.

Moreover, the platform also offers automated backups in case of data loss. Users can integrate perfectly with famous cloud development services such as Bitbucket, GitLab, and GitHub. These services offer efficient features to make it simple to set up and configure a custom URL. It will also enable users to get an SSL certificate for their application.

The Creation of a Demo React Application

  • You need to first “create a demo React application” as it is essential to deploy on Netlify. Create a React application and run the command on your terminal to create the application. (Command: npx create-react-app demo-react-netlify-app)
  • Next step is to run this terminal command to swing up the development server. (Command: npm start)

Then, go ahead and view the results in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

  • The final step is to run this command to create a production-ready version of your application. (Command: npm run build).

Meanwhile, this command generates the assets and required production files inside a new folder in the root directory, the “build”. This folder is capable to capture a modified version of the entire application. The modified version contains everything essentially needed to deploy the application.

Deployment of the React Application on Netlify

Netlify offers 3 useful methods and you can utilize them and deploy React applications.

  1. You can import your project from a Git storage or cache host such as GitHub.
  2. Users can simply use the Drag and Drop feature to deploy React applications.
  3. You can also use the command line “CLI” tool of Netlify.

Using GitHub Import Feature to Deploy React Application

You can house your React application project files after the creation of a warehouse on GitHub. But you can also host project files on any other compatible Git provider such as Azure, GitLab, and DevOps. However, you can sign up for an account on Netlify.

Start navigating your account dashboard and select the “Sites” tab after the completion of the sign-up process. Then, Click on the Import from Git button and select your preferred Git provider. Netlify will ask you to authorize with your Git provider. It would provide them instant access to your account and storage.

Netlify will show a list of storage on your Git provider. Now, select the React project storage you earlier marked to your Git provider. Finally, click Deploy site to complete the process. You can view the application on your browser after clicking on the provided URL. Then, instruct Netlify to use it with your site.