Johnny Depp Makes First Payment to Purchase Wounded Knee Massacre Site

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A large number of websites reported in the mid of October 2015 that famous actor Johnny Depp has planned to buy wounded Knee which is a heroic national landmark and a place of Native American holocaust in South Dakota. This step will be taken in order to give back the land to local tribes. It is important that famous actor Johnny Depp said on Sunday that he has planned to buy Wounded Knee and he is ready to spend money in millions to give back the control to the local tribes and to help in making right decision as something went wrong in the year 1890.


It is important that various websites such as Countercurrent, Mintpress News and True Activist published the story in the month of October 2015, but the information was originally collected from a story published in the year 2013 on a website Daily Mail. It is said that Johnny Depp is a Native American and he has planned to buy Wounded Knee located in South Dakota. He is planning to spend his own money to get its ownership because this site is extermination and now offered for sale for 3.9 million U.S dollars. But local Native Americans denied and said they cannot offer it for sale and Johnny Depp is furious. This place is considered a scary site because a large number of killings are linked with this place. There was a stand-off in 1970s between the people and the Federal government for ownership of this land. This historical place has its own importance to the Sioux culture and Johnny needs to buy it give it back to the people.