Last Child Tax Credit checks will go out on Wednesday 15th December

Last Child Tax Credit checks will go out on Wednesday 15th December

US government launched the federal aid programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, up to $300 per child going directly into the bank accounts of families on the 15th of every month. The last checks will go out on Wednesday, the expanded child tax credit program expiring unless Congress revives it for 2022. That appears highly uncertain […]

Millions of American Parents will get CTC

Millions of American Parents will get CTC up to $3,600 Per Child

US President Joe Biden has signed the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill. It was designed to shoring up the pandemic-stricken US economy through perfect measures like expanded unemployment aid and direct stimulus checks. The legislation also includes measures that offer a form of guaranteed income to parents of children under 18. One expert calls it “a […]