Deanne Criswell alleged Climate Change for Deadly Tornadoes in 6 US States

Deanne Criswell alleged Climate Change for Deadly Tornadoes in 6 US States

The administrator of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Deanne Criswell alleged climate change for the deadly tornado outbreak over the weekend. She claimed that such disasters will be the new normal from now on. Criswell said, “This is going to be our new normal. The effects we are seeing of climate change are the crisis […]

Barack Obama alleged China and Russia at UN Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow

Barack Obama alleged China and Russia at UN Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow

On Monday, Barack Obama expressed confidence at UN climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland that the Biden administration will ultimately get its $555 billion climate package through Congress. He also alleged US rivals China and Russia for a dangerous lack of urgency in cutting their own climate-wrecking emissions. Obama said, “When it comes to climate, time […]

Greta Thunberg criticized Trump’s action over Climate Change

Greta Thunberg criticized Trump’s action over Climate Change

Activist Greta Thunberg has claimed Trump’s inaction is fuelling the flames. She launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump’s stance over the climate crisis. The President bragged about the U.S economy while speaking to world leaders and industrialists. He also attacked climate activists as “perennial prophets of doom”. On the same day, the 17-year-old Swedish […]

Trump said Climate Change a Hoax but Manmade

The U.S President Trump is backing off his claim that climate change is a hoax. But said that he doesn’t know if it’s manmade and suggests the climate will “change back again”. He delivered his words in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” aired on Sunday Night. Trump said that he doesn’t need to put […]