Congress Democrats finalized a deal to lower Prescription Drug Prices

Congress Democrats finalized a deal to lower Prescription Drug Prices

On Tuesday, Democrats in Congress reached a deal to lower the price of prescription drugs as part of President Biden’s $1.75 trillion social spending plan. It is overcoming a key sticking point in ongoing negotiations over the president’s domestic policy agenda. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced the agreement. He said the deal would allow […]

Majority of Americans need more Covid-19 Economic Relief from Biden Administration

Majority of Americans need more Covid-19 Economic Relief from Biden Administration

There is a large majority of Americans would support congressional passage of a new stimulus bill to help those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of them would prefer that it received bipartisan support in US Congress, too. However, a majority give President Joe Biden good marks for his handling of the coronavirus outbreak and […]

Republican Mitch McConnell alleged President Trump for Attack on US Capitol

Republican Mitch McConnell alleged President Trump for Attack on US Capitol

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell alleged President for the attack on the US Capitol. He said the pro-Trump mob that overran the building was provoked by the president and other powerful people. McConnell delivered his words in a speech on the Senate floor. He was convening for the first time since voting to accept […]

Democratic Majority in the US Senate and House will change American’s Life

Democratic Majority in the US Senate and House will change American’s Life

The upset victories in the Georgia senatorial runoff elections have handed Democrats; control of the White House, the House of Representatives, and the US Senate. Democrats will be able to push through a lot of important legislation on the liberal agenda, such as a dramatic increase in the minimum wage, student loan forgiveness, an eviction […]

President Trump’s campaign criticized Joe Biden over his visit on Beau Biden’s Grave

President Trump’s campaign criticized Joe Biden over his visit on Beau Biden’s Grave

US President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign issued a poorly-timed attack on his Democratic opponent. The campaign mocked former Vice President Joe Biden as he visited his son’s grave on Election Day morning. National press secretary for the president’s re-election campaign, Hogan Gidley wrote in a tweet on Tuesday as the Democratic nominee was leaving the […]

Republican Rodney Garcia was criticized by Democrats and Republicans

Republican Rodney Garcia was criticized by Democrats and Republicans

Republican Rodney Garcia (Montana State representative) has earned the ire of not only his opponents but the condemnation of his own party. He claimed that it was legal for socialists to be shot or imprisoned. Garcia commented on Friday during a Republican party gathering in Helena, Montana. He said that he was concerned about socialists […]

President Trump boils over alleged Unfairness of Impeachment Process

President Trump boils over alleged Unfairness of Impeachment Process

Donald Trump boils over the alleged unfairness of the impeachment process confronting him. Trump’s lawyers have urged the U.S Senate to swiftly reject the impeachment charges. Trump criticized Democrats for having overseen a process that was skewed against him. He wrote on Twitter, “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is now asking for fairness, when he and the […]

Democrats called Trump to immediately release Billions of Dollars Aid for Puerto Rico

Democrats called Trump to immediately release Billions of Dollars Aid for Puerto Rico

U.S Democrats have demanded Donald Trump’s administration to immediately release billions of dollars in congressionally approved aid to Puerto Rico following devastating and ongoing earthquakes and aftershocks. The recent powerful earthquakes have destroyed hundreds of homes and left two-thirds of the island without electricity. Earthquakes started rocking the island in late December. It kicked off […]

Trump alleged Democrats of considering Qassem Soleimani as A Wonderful Human Being

Trump alleged Democrats of considering Qassem Soleimani as A Wonderful Human Being

U.S President Donald Trump has once again defended his decision the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. He alleged both the Democrats and his media critics of taking against the operation purely because of their opposition to the current administration. Trump was speaking with conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Monday. It is noteworthy that […]

Barry Berke says the Evidence is Overwhelming during Impeachment Hearing

Barry Berke says the Evidence is Overwhelming during Impeachment Hearing

The lawyer for Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, Barry Berke said, “The evidence is overwhelming”. He said, “The facts assembled by the House Intelligence Committee in recent weeks remained undoubted and that they can’t be disputed”. On Monday, Democrats and Republicans both called upon their leading counsels to make their best case for and against […]

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