FDA warned against Trump’s suggested Anti-malaria drug due to Heart issues

FDA warned against Trump’s suggested Anti-malaria drug due to Heart issues

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has issued warnings against the use of Anti-malaria drugs (suggested by President Donald Trump) to treat coronavirus patients after heart problem reports. Point to be noted that the drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are often taken in combination to treat malaria. The drug was approved by President Trump on many […]

Trump’s suggested Anti-Malaria drug is being tested in some Hospitals

Trump’s suggested Anti-Malaria drug is being tested in some Hospitals

U.S President Donald Trump has already suggested an anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients. The UK has made the fastest growing trial in UK medical history. Now, coronavirus patients in at least two NHS hospitals are being treated with an anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine. It has been given to patients of London’s Barts Health NHS […]

Why Trump’s suggested Anti-malaria Drug removed from Official CDC Website

Why Trump’s suggested Anti-malaria Drug removed from Official CDC Website?

US President Donald Trump has already pushed hydroxychloroquine and chrloroquine as effective treatments for coronavirus. But, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has removed dosage guidance from its website for a pair of anti-malarial drugs. The agency CDC reportedly added the dosing information on its official website after pressed by Trump for the […]

Was there Covid-19 experiment about Trump’s controversial Hydroxychloroquine Malaria Drug

Was there Covid-19 experiment over Trump’s controversial Hydroxychloroquine Malaria Drug?

US President Donald Trump has doubled down on the benefits of hydroxychloroquine during the Covid-19 daily briefing at the White House. He said, “It’ll be wonderful, it’ll be so beautiful. It’ll be a gift from heaven if it works”. It is noteworthy that his critics point out the sentiment is confused as his administration has […]