Damian Williams will be the First Black US Attorney after confirmation

Damian Williams will be the First Black US Attorney after confirmation

A longtime New York prosecutor Damian Williams (currently heads the Securities and Commodities Task Force in the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York) is now being considered to lead the office. Williams would be the first African American to serve as Manhattan’s US attorney. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that […]

US Senate confirmed Merrick Garland and Marcia Fudge

US Senate confirmed Merrick Garland and Marcia Fudge

The US Senate has confirmed Merrick Garland as the next US attorney general and Marcia Fudge to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Democrats have admired Garland (a federal appeals court judge) who was snubbed by Republicans for a seat on the Supreme Court in 2016. He is a highly qualified and honorable […]

President Trump affirmed to fill the vacancy after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death

President Trump affirmed to fill the vacancy after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death

US President Donald Trump has confirmed to fill the Supreme Court vacancy without delay left by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. He delivered his words on Saturday in the first indication of his plans since the passing of 87-year-old Ginsburg. It was his obligation to nominate a replacement justice to the nation’s highest court. President […]