Did Trump administration attempt to silence CDC during COVID-19 pandemic

Did Trump administration attempt to silence CDC during COVID-19 pandemic?

The officials at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have claimed the organization has been silenced by the administration of Donald Trump during the coronavirus pandemic. Six CDC officials have informed CNN that the federal government purposely ignored scientific evidence and made a coordinated response to the epidemic more difficult. The news outlet […]

President Trump confirmed All States will be opened on individual dates

President Trump confirmed All States will be opened on individual dates

US President Donald Trump backed down from the threat after claiming he has the Total Authority. The move came hours after he alleged Democratic governors of a mutiny for signaling they would ignore any presidential order to reopen their states in the middle of widespread coronavirus. President delivered his words during a combative evening press […]

Trump suggests Reopening US within Next 3 Months despite Health Official’s Warning

Trump suggests Reopening US within Next 3 Months despite Health Official’s Warning

U.S President Donald Trump said he is considering reopening the United States from its coronavirus shutdown after 3 or 4 months. Some experts have also predicted the lockdown might, even saying he seeks considering such an order when a White House-mandated 15-day period to shutter much of the economy ends during next week. Moreover, it […]