President Trump has criticized the US Federal Board of Investigation

President Trump has criticized the US Federal Board of Investigation

US President Donald Trump has criticized the FBI for not supporting his alleged claims regarding 2020 election fraud. He also complained that some have served many presidents and he was disappointed that they have not ‘Nabbed’ anyone. President Trump said, “Why isn’t the FBI all over the place? They are not. They are not, and […]

Trump’s Legal challenges and concerns from Republican Senators

Trump’s Legal challenges and concerns from Republican Senators

US President Donald Trump is continuing his legal effort against this month’s presidential election result. But various reports have indicated that Republican lawmakers are increasingly accepting that President-Elect Joe Biden will take office in January 2021. Republican senators are now looking at how they can best use Trump’s last 45 or so days in office. […]

President Trump will assign a major Legal Fight task to Rudy Giuliani

President Trump will assign a major Legal Fight task to Rudy Giuliani

US President Donald Trump is reportedly looking for Rudy Giuliani to assign him major campaigns across the country. His personal lawyer will handle a potential disaster-scenario job. He will oversee a historic legal fight if the election is contested come November. Point to be noted that the former New York City mayor has pushed conspiracy […]

Trump’s campaign has demanded to schedule presidential debate in early September

Trump’s campaign has demanded to schedule presidential debate in early September

US President Donald Trump‘s campaign has requested the first presidential debate ahead of November’s general election be rescheduled to early September. A letter from the president’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, to the Commission on Presidential Debates, says voting in more than a dozen other states means several million voters will already have cast mailed-in ballots […]