US Senate passed Hate Crimes Bill with 94-1 amid increasing Attacks against Asians

US Senate passed Hate Crimes Bill with 94-1 amid increasing Attacks against Asians

On Thursday, the US Senate voted 94-1 to approve anti-Asian hate crimes legislation designed at expanding the efforts of the federal government to address the recent increase in these crimes. The bill would identify and appoint a person at the Justice Department to quickly review hate crime incidents and provide more guidance to state and […]

Republican Senator Mitt Romney voted to impeach U.S President Donald Trump

Republican Senator Mitt Romney voted to impeach U.S President Donald Trump

Republican Senator Mitt Romney was the sole lawmaker to break from his party and support the president’s conviction on the single article. It marked him the first senator in the history of the United States to vote for the impeachment of a president from the lawmaker’s own party. On Wednesday, he was the only senator […]