Trump Administration’s new sanctions targets entire Iranian Financial Sectors

Trump Administration’s new sanctions targets entire Iranian Financial Sectors

US President Donald Trump’s administration has virtually blacklisted the entire Iranian financial sectors. The administration is now dealing with another blow to an economy that is already reeling under U.S sanctions. The recent move will increase tensions with European nations and others over Iran. It hits 18 Iranian banks that had thus far escaped the […]

President Trump to face a lawsuit filed by a group of 7 Children

President Trump to face a lawsuit filed by a group of 7 Children

The administration of US President Donald Trump sued by a group of seven children after it denied their migrant parents access to crucial relief funds during the coronavirus epidemic because they were living in the United States without documentation. The kids were all US citizens and they were asking in the complaint to represent millions […]

Trump to force Harvard University & other Major Business to give back COVID-19 funding

Trump to force Harvard University & other Major Business to give back COVID-19 funding

US President Donald Trump has announced that he will force Harvard University and other big businesses to return emergency coronavirus funding designed for smaller companies. Point to be noted that controversy surrounded the PPP (Paychecks Protection Program) after it was discovered big businesses like Harvard University and Shake Shack applied for and received emergency funding. […]

Trump Administration is experiencing the Highest Unemployment since September 2017

Trump Administration is experiencing the Highest Unemployment since September 2017

On Thursday, the U.S Labor Department said Americans are looking for jobless benefits at a breakneck pace during the coronavirus outburst. The department said more than 281,000 people applied for assistance last week and it was a 33% increase from the previous 7 days. The new data indicates just how deeply laid off employees of […]

Trump says Americans should fight to stop coronavirus spread

Trump says Americans should fight to stop coronavirus spread

Donald Trump has predicted the US economy will pop again soon if Americans take steps to stifle the disease and win this war. His comments came midst warnings from experts about a huge loss in jobs during the Covid-19 outburst. Trump said during a White House briefing, he said, “It’s going to pop. One day, […]