Republican Led States have shown US Economic Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Republican Led States have shown US Economic Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Last week, US Labor Department published data that shows the 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates are all led by GOP governors, and the 10 states with the highest percentage of out-of-work Americans are run by Democratic governors. States with Republican governors are leading the US economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. Democrats run […]

President Trump will not consider bringing back William Barr

President Trump will not consider bringing back William Barr

US President Donald Trump has refused to bring back attorney general William Barr after securing a second term. He supposedly failed to throw his support behind Barr after the Justice Department found no wrongdoing in disclosing Trump’s much-hyped investigation. President informed in a Newsmax interview with Greg Kelly and said, “I have no comment. Can’t […]

Trump Administration’s new sanctions targets entire Iranian Financial Sectors

Trump Administration’s new sanctions targets entire Iranian Financial Sectors

US President Donald Trump’s administration has virtually blacklisted the entire Iranian financial sectors. The administration is now dealing with another blow to an economy that is already reeling under U.S sanctions. The recent move will increase tensions with European nations and others over Iran. It hits 18 Iranian banks that had thus far escaped the […]

Trump to force Harvard University & other Major Business to give back COVID-19 funding

Trump to force Harvard University & other Major Business to give back COVID-19 funding

US President Donald Trump has announced that he will force Harvard University and other big businesses to return emergency coronavirus funding designed for smaller companies. Point to be noted that controversy surrounded the PPP (Paychecks Protection Program) after it was discovered big businesses like Harvard University and Shake Shack applied for and received emergency funding. […]